Friday, January 21, 2011

Naturally Naive

"Cause I need freedom now, 
and I need to know how to live my life as it's meant to be."
~Mumford & Sons

^This is how I feel. But not just history. I feel this way about my Life.

The past few weeks have rushed together in a colorful blur, which has been mostly positive. I've just been settling back in to college life and my new schedule. My new sched is a BEAST! I feel like I'm at school allllll freeeeaakkkin daaay loooooong! =( I don't have a whole lot of down time, but that's a good thing right? That means I'm being productive. Or something. My most difficult classes on my plate are Calculus (put me out of my misery!) and Chemistry. So far, things aren't TOO bad, but I'm pretty sure this is just the calm before the storm.

I'm super excited for this weekend! This weekend I get to visit The Juni Crew at SUU! They're always so great to welcome me and let me spend the weekend. I love spending time with them at Juniper Motel. This weekend there's a NEON DANCE goin down, and I'm pretty sure we're gonna tear that place up!! (...or at least seriously injure it.)

Tonight, as I was sitting here when my roommate informed me of something pretty strange. I guess last night I started yelling really loud in my sleep! He said I was yelling so loud that it woke him up. I guess I was really angry about something and was yelling at some guy about it? I don't recall any of this and still don't know if I believe it. I never knew that I talked/yelled in my sleep. I wish I could remember my dream!

A Half Remembered Dream...

Right now, I feel like I'm standing on the edge of a beautiful disaster. I mean, I feel like things are about to crumble and make way for something new and wonderful. I have a lot of hope for my future. As I am taking steps forward in my education and life, I can also feel myself growing. Changing. It's a really good feeling. I'm starting to see things in a whole new light, and it's really helping me gain a new perspective.  feel like a patient recovering from Amnesia. I've been asleep, but I'm finally waking up. The Truth's I once knew are coming back to me, piece by piece. So I'll take these pieces and I'll fit them together. One by one, until I've completed the puzzle and remember who I really am. =)

That's all of got for now! =)

Friday, January 07, 2011

Keeps Gettin' Better

Woa! Now that it's over, I feel like the time went by way too fast. I guess that's how it always is. What's that saying... "Time flies when your having fun" <--- Yeah, I think that's it. Time has definitely flown. Looking back at the past few weeks, I can definitely say I had fun. I was able to spend a lot of time with my family enjoying Christmas, and then a few days in Island Park, Idaho with snowmobiles. There was so much snow up there! 
See all the snow?! My brothers are digging a snow cave =)
We had a lot of fun up there, but I was really glad to leave it behind. This might come as a surprise to you but, -8 degrees Fahrenheit just isn't ok with me. After I got back, I was able to spend a ton of time with my friends. It was great catching up with everyone. I'm going to miss everyone when I leave tomorrow morning. I'm also gonna miss not having to play the hokey pokey with my WiFi connection.

So many good things happened over this break. Here's a few of them... (no particular order)

  • Monster Nights ;)
  • Gift giving/recieving
  • Free food!
  • Made new friends (Kaleigh, Nick, Casey, Kaylani)
  • Became better friends with others (You know who you guys are)
  • Saw my friend from the future (Kendra) and my friend from the past (Kelsey)
  • New guitar =)
  • Kinda sorta got hooked on Jersey Shore.... No big deal
  • Good talks with friends
  • Traded secrets with a Dove.
  • Mario Wii & SCUM
  • Only went to Denny's once. (And it was Cla$$y)
  • Finished "Dorm Life"
  • Got a this one Cat to start Tweeting...
  • Started off a new year fresh
  • Made good New Years resolutions
  • Bonded with Lucy (the dog) I think she likes me now! 
  • Gained a better appreciation for Life in general
  • Learned how to handle frozen locks
  • Sold my textbooks
  • Inhaled tons and tons of polluted Ogden air  <--- Oops, that's BAD.
I'm sure there's a million other things I could add to my list, but really who has time for such things? I'm already starting to bore myself with this blog post. So I think I'll wrap things up now. This last week here was a good way to end things. I was out with friends every night, and I didn't get much sleep, but I enjoyed every minute of it. 

As I was driving home tonight, a huge bat flew past my window and I took it as a sign. It's time to go back to The Batcave, and tackle another semester in St. Geezy. 

How far is Heaven?
Thank you everyone who made the last few weeks great. 
I can't wait for Summer to bring us back together =)

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Ghost of a Good Thing


“We do not remember days, we remember moments.”~Cesare Pavese

Well, everyone has been crackin' out their New Year's posts, so I figure I might as well punch mine in now...
^Sometimes I feel like this guy when I blog
Rather than bore you with the details and memoirs of my year 2010, I"m going to wrap it up in the next few lines, and skip ahead to here and now. The biggest event of significance in the year 2010 for me would be my graduation from FREMONT HIGH. I've got a lot of mixed emotions about that place. Like everyone else in existence, I had good times and bad times during high school. It was fun while it lasted but it refreshing to get on with one's life, which leads me to my second event of significance in the year 2010. I took a leap and moved away from home and started college at DIXIE STATE. So far, I have a majority of positive emotions about this place. Of course there have been a ton of other significant events from the past year to fill in the cracks (but you can go ahead and read about some of those in previous posts if that's what your heart desires). 

"Most days of the year are unremarkable. They begin, and they end, with no lasting memories made in between. Most days have no impact on the course of a life." 
~500 Days of Summer

If I were to title the year 2010, I would steal the title of a Secondhand Serenade CD: A Twist in My Story. That title fits perfectly with the events of 2010 for me. Looking back, I feel like it was definitely a year of twists and turns and things often changed quite unexpectedly... regardless, I survived (and if your reading this, that means you did too... congrats!).

^Something along these lines
Not knowing what's in store for this upcoming year, but purely based on my own predictions, I feel like giving 2011 the title: Our True Colors. You can determine for yourself what is meant by this title, and I suppose only time will tell if my title is appropriate. 

“Our past is a story existing only in our minds. Look, analyze, understand, and forgive. Then, as quickly as possible, chuck it.” ~Marianne Williamson
The holidays have been great and my time has been consumed with the typical family/friend bonding moments that accompany this time of year. I've really enjoyed spending time with the ones I love, and the measured time helps me appreciate them even more. I hardly realize how blessed I really am, but I'm trying to pay attention. 

This is my last week up here in the land of snow and ice. I am looking forward to returning to St. Geezy shortly, and really hope the weather doesn't disappoint. I have a very negative relationship with Winter, and cannot wait for Spring to bounce in (yeah I just did that, deal with it) and show her what's up! I've missed my roomies, our sweet little cave, friends, AND 25 Main (I didn't forget). 
^Our Sweet little cave looks something like this (let's just pretend)
Not so much the school work, but I guess that comes with the territory? Anyways, I suppose I'm looking forward to new classes as well and the new people I've yet to meet! I have a feeling I'll be hanging out with some pretty awesome people! Road trip with Katerblossom? =P

^There's no place like Home. =) 

As far as New Year's resolutions go, I didn't really make any at the time but here's what I want to work on this year:

  1. Stop making room for Fear in my life.
    (Fear sucks, and inhibits everything. Nuff said)
  2. Get my associates degree. (I should have it after the summer)
  3. Repair broken bridges
  4. Build new bridges (^If you take these last two literally, you're an idiot.)
  5. Stop running from love (I'm ready for you)
  6. Be more spontaneous
  7. Write a song with my guitar
  8. Meet Zooey D... (A guy can dream)
  9. Hunt and Kill the Horcruxes in my life
  10. Grow 2 inches (I just want to be 6 feet tall!)
  11. Take more time to enjoy the Simple things.
  12. Delete negative people from my life
  13. Get into better shape
  14. Stop texting while I drive... (It's illegal!)
  15. Significantly cut back on my intake of Trashy things.
    (for example: Denny's, Monsters, Redbull...)
“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.” 
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Breath in for Luck.
Round II.
Here we go.
