Thursday, October 28, 2010

Flammable Heart

Location - Freelance Whales

I am starting to sense your location
You are somewhere in the attic
Looking something close to tragic
Dating t-shirts and your mattress
I'm floating on the stairwell
With my toes grazed in the cedar
Thinking softly would a tender box leave them in...

And what a flammable heart I've been given
You could be in several different places
I am sensing your location

I am starting to sense your location
You are somewhere in the basement
Beating on a makeshift drum kit
Songs that I can hardly stomach
I'm floating on the stairwell
With my fingers shaking frantic
Thinking softly what a concrete mess we live in...

And what a ice box heart I've been given
You could be in several different places
I am sensing your location

You could be in several different places
I am starting to sense your locale now

I am to starting to sense your location
In an alternate dimension
In a country side of England
Spirits trapped inside the linens
And you're feeling quite at home there
Also feeling somewhat lonely
No one sees you in your pixelated fish nets
And your black and orange beret

You could be in several different places
I am sensing your location
You could be in several different places
I am starting to sense your locale now

Oh please believe the ghost in me
Is doing what I can to find you out 

I really like this song! Actually, I love all of Freelance Whales songs but this one seems to be sticking to me right now. I highly suggest looking up the actual song. The songs here on my blog are mostly songs by Freelance Whales so if you like what you hear, go find more. Then thank me for showing you such a great band. =)

High Park SunbeamsHamish Grant  
VIA Flicker

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Disco Lemonade

So. Freakin'. Sick! I can't handle it. I hate being sick so much. I've got a sore throat that feels like a cat is trying to claw its way out from the inside. Runny nose. Migraines that make me ultra sensitive to light. Body aches that make me feel like I was hit by a cannon ball. Upset stomach. Gross. 

Dear immune system, 
hurry up and kill this dang bug! 

Due to my sickness, I didn't go to my classes today. I stayed home and tried to rest. I read some of my book, wrote a letter to a friend in Hawaii, and then did some research for my essay. I managed to type the introduction which stretches the length of the first page, but I feel like it's too jumbled and confusing. I don't know what I'm going to do. My thesis discusses how if more relationships were built on even ground, instead of a slope of dominance, then this would result in a decrease in American divorce rates. I need to somehow figure out how to tie in feminism, love, and other such ideas in an organized matter. I am struggling to do this. Five pages are due Friday, and I have one. x_x Maybe I can punch out one more page by the end of tonight if I'm lucky? 

So tonight as I was laboring on my essay, I overheard my roomie saying he needed to go to the store to buy mustache dye! Haha, it made me laugh. It sounds really weird, but it's just part of his classy Halloween costume. He's going all out for it. On the other hand, I have no idea what I'm going to be for Halloween. Any ideas? 

Last night I stumbled into the kitchen for a late night snack and found a roast cooking in a crock pot on the table. I was kinda confused as to why my roommate would be cooking such a thing so late in the evening. Well tonight I got my answer. He let it simmer all day long, and we ate it for dinner! It was very juicy and delicate. So good! We all ate over at The Coop with the girls, and they made homemade mashed potatoes to go along with it. I've learned to savor the nights that I'm fortunate enough to enjoy real food. This was one of those nights. That's all I've got for now, peace.

I added music to my blog, did you notice? I hope you like it. If not...well I don't really care.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hokus Pokus! Focus!

Ah! I have this huge problem with focusing today. I have a 10 page Research paper for English due soon and I haven't even started! I have to have 5 pages done for class on Friday and I'm starting to worry. I planned on writing at least something today, but nope. I haven't done much of anything today. FAIL. Maybe it's because I'm sick. I suspect all the drink sharing that went down on Saturday would have something to do with that... Oh well. Tomorrow I'll go buy me some of these:

They are soo good on for the throat. Anyways, I guess I did manage to blog twice today. Haha pathetic. I have to write a freakin' 10 page research essay on Cinderella and Shania Twain. How the heck am I supposed to do that?! =\ Hopefully I'm feeling better tomorrow and can focus my attention better. I saw someone's status on FB yesterday that said: "Call me Mr. Facebook, I can make your grades drop" obviously a play on Lil'Wayne's Bedrock song. It made me laugh, and it's very true. Prolonged exposure to Facebook makes me nauseous. 

For dinner tonight I made myself some Easy Mac, Sadie Style. For those of you not in on the joke, this means that I seasoned it with ketchup and pepper. I'm not going to explain the rest. After dinner, I watched a little TV with my roommates. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the movie, was on! 

It was pretty sweet, but I decided I should go back to my room to work on my essay. Joke! Too bad I didn't. I got on Facebook and looked at this picture my friend Kendra made of me on a site called Face In A Hole. It takes pictures of your friends and allows you to put them in various scenes. So I spent the next hour or so toying with this... adding photos of my friends to different photo holes. It was pretty entertaining, but I really need to stop. Well, I should get going. I'm going to try to practice guitar for a few minutes before I go to bed. Hopefully I can handle that. Thanks for reading my post. 

Oh Katy Gaga. I'm worried about you...

Just a Note

If you're looking for some more creative, colorful writing, click here and check out:

Polar Bellz is the BlogBaby of Myself and Samara Jones
We each write entertaining (and strange) posts just for the fun of writing them. 
So go check it out! And if you like it, we'd love you to Follow us. =)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Vegas Skies


Well, I can't sleep so there's no point in delaying this post until tomorrow. I'll pound it out now and then maybe the sleep can set in. Today was phenomenal. It's interesting how usually the best days of our lives are unplanned, and unpredictable. Today was one of those days for me.

10:00 am. Wake up, stumble out of bed and into the kitchen. Cooked me up some sweet pancakes! Then after I had fed the beast, I climbed back under my covers for about another hour. Then I started my day with some pretty pointless activities, and a nice shower. Meet up with most of the crew from Juniper Motel plus some others, for lunch at In-N-Out, and then at The Orange Peel also. They were on their way to a concert in Las Vegas. It didn't take much for them to talk me into going with them. I'm glad that I did!

5:00 pm. Around 5, or just after, we rolled into Vegas. Excitement was high as the strip came into view, the built as we approached the fair grounds. We bought our tickets ($9) and went inside to enjoy the musical talents of Plain White T's, K-Naan, and Sara Bareilles. Each of them pulled off an amazing live performance and I was so glad I got a chance to hear them! Plain White T's played some songs from their new album due out in a few months, and I was impressed. I can't wait for its release now.

8:00pm. A little after 8 we decided to skip out on the "Bite of Las Vegas" concert and head towards the heart of the city, with all the lights and the action. We made a quick stop at McDonalds (bad idea) and I picked up 2 Monsters as well. As we approached the strip, there was energy in the air. Everything seems so alive. Perhaps it was the lights. Maybe it was the music? Possibly they giant volcano that erupted with a huge ball of Fire!! Well, whatever it was, it was great. We started off at Ceaser's Palace. I had no idea how big that place was! It's huge! There is so much going on inside that place. We watched a few live shows and Katy ate that up. We saw lots of trashy hoes, and lots of smoke and alcohol. What's Vegas without its trademark, right? The casino had all these huge Greek statues that towered over us, and I thought they were incredible. There were even these huge escalators that curved down and around inside this place. We all loved that. After we had our share of the palace, we took to the streets. We watched this crazy water show in front of the Eiffel Tower and snapped some pictures. Did I mention that I love spending time with these guys? They're all so great.

1:00 am. After seeing most of the strip, our feet were sore and our eyelids heavy. We said our goodbyes, and headed out on our way. The car ride started out fun with lots of good music and chatter, but it quickly died down to snoring and drool. It was a pretty long drive back to St. Geezy. It was even longer for everyone else headed back to Cedar. When I got home, I pulled in and was surprised to find one of my roommates in the parking lot. Turns out him and some of the B6 chicks were saran wrapping my other roommate's car. I don't think he'll be too happy about it when he finds out tomorrow! I wonder what will go down. After they finished taking care of business, we headed back to The Coop for cookies and Ghost Stories on the Travel Channel. I wasn't much in the mood for staying up though, so I left early and got into bed. That's where I am now, and I'm starting to feel the sleep setting in. So I'll leave you with that, and post more later. Goodmorning & Goodnight everyone.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

You have: 7 New Friend Requests.

So earlier today I came up with a brilliant experiment. Maybe it's not really that brilliant, but whatever. I don't care, because it will be interesting. I'm going to call it "Friend Request". Allow me to explain. We've all been there before. You login to Facebook and are notified that you have a new friend request. You go to check it out... and you have no idea who it is. Or maybe you've been the one who's sent out the random request to a stranger. Regardless, I find it funny how we are all so eager and ready to make new online friends. It's all too easy. No confrontation, no embarrassment. Just one click and you instantly transcend the status of "stranger" to  a "friend". Suddenly, the gate's of personal privacy are unlocked. It is now socially acceptable to "poke" them, "like" them, and write all over their wall! Good for you!

So, how exactly has Facebook affected the way we make friends today? Is possible to make friends just as quickly face to face? Well, Beginning on Monday, November 1st, I am going to find out. Here are my rule's:

Friend Request:

  1. Make friends with one stranger for each day of the week
  2. 3 of these friends need to be female, and 3 have to be male. The last one can be male or female.
  3. Only 3/7 strangers can be from my classes
  4. I must introduce myself and ask "Do you want to be friends?"
  5. If they agree, then I must find out their first and last name.
  6. Learn at least 3 things about them
  7. Send them a friend request on Facebook
I will record my success (and failure) each day by reporting on my new friends. Included in my reports, I will tell you there names, their initial reactions to my request, and the 3 things I learned about each of them. This is an interesting experiment and I can't wait to begin. It will take me on a trip outside my comfort zone, but hopefully I will learn something, and gain some new friends in the process. Let me know what you think, and feel free to try this experiment yourself. I dare you. =)


Thursday, October 21, 2010

Baby, Check My Vitals

Enough with the emotion. I don't care. I'm over it. Not really feeling up to writing in third person today, so this will have to do. I disappeared, I escaped. Now I'm back and I'm feeling better. I woke up, and went to the usual classes. In Biology, my teacher stopped his lecture mid sentence to comment on my shoes Hot Tamales. This resulted, at his request, in me having to lift my leg into the air so everyone could see them. I found it pretty comical. After classes, I drove to BioLife to donate sell plasma again. I only donate on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so get off my case. I do not go "all the time."As I had hoped, I saw Artist girl there again. There's something about her that I can't figure it out, but it fascinates me. Unfortunately, like my last visit, I didn't get the chance to talk to her, or find out her name. I was in the process of having my finger pricked and my vitals checked as she was leaving. Oh well, there's always next time. The plasma process went well today, pretty average and monotonous. After that was over, I stopped by Wal-Mart to pick up some bread. I like living on the edge, so I also bought a new flavor of gum also. Mint Chocolate Chip. Yeah, I know it sounds disgusting. Don't judge! It was surprisingly good and tastes like the little mints Olive Garden gives you with your check. My other impulse buy's consisted of candy corn, 5-Hour Energy, and a Cobra Starship poster. I almost bought a Scott Pillgrim poster as well, but decided to save that for my next visit.

8:00 pm. After a few hours of unproductive activities & stuff, I guzzled down my 5-Hour Energy and jogged over to the Fitness Center. To my surprise they we're showing Lord of the Rings on the projector screen! I ate it up, but I'm not going to pretend I'm a huge LOTR fan, because I'm not. I've actually never seen any past the 2nd one. Who cares? There's nothing like running at a top notch speed while witnessing wild creatures and warriors charging towards each other. It pretty much flings you right into the action. AWESOME.

Well now I'm back home, trying to calm down so I can catch some Zzz's tonight. I still feel fully charged though, so who knows how tonight will end. Anyways, that's what happened today.

PS. I got your letter. I was excited to see that it was 4 pages, but the excitement deflated a little when I realized that you only wrote on the front of each sheet. You can expect a response from me shortly.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

This is How I Disappear...

You could say I'm MAD.
But does it really matter?

This is how I disappear, 3... 2... 1...Goodbye!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Waiting for your letter

1:00 pm. Classes are over for the day. The boy slips out of the auditorium and walks home to his apartment. Checks the mail. Nothing. He enters his apartment, shoves open his ducking door, and tosses his bookbag onto the his bed. Roommate and girl are cuddling on the bed in the corner. He goes to the kitchen and makes a smash sandwich. No mayonnaise today. Just bread, turkey, and cheese--smashed together. The boy leaves, slamming the door behind him just for fun. He gets in his car. Car door slams. Buckle clicks. Engine starts. Off he goes. Green light. Green light. Green light. Speed up. Merge onto freeway. Exit freeway. Green light. Green light. Turn. Turn again. Park car. The boy gets out and walks into the BioLife plasma center. He's not even dead, and he's already selling his body to science. He smiles at the thought. He sits down. Muscles tense. They poke his arm. Relax. Breath. He squeezes his fist at a steady tempo. Relax. Cycle blood. Repeat. The boy looks up, and sees a beautiful girl across from him. She is drawing with one hand. The other lays to the side feeding the machine. He keeps looking at her. To him it feels like a canyon separates them from speaking. Pity. An hour goes by. Beep! The the boy is done. They free him from the chair and he hesitates. He wants to talk to the girl. He doesn't. Walking away, he secretly hopes he will see her again. Visits to the Art building might become more frequent. He gets in his car. Car door slams. Buckle clicks. Engine starts. Off he goes. Green light. Green light. Green light. Speed up. Merge onto freeway. Exit freeway. Green light. Green light. Turn. Turn again. Park car. Checks the mail. Nothing. He goes back to his apartment, and shoves open his ducking door. Roommate and girl are still cuddling on the bed in the corner. The boy goes to his meetings. Uneventful. He goes and changes his clothes, chugs Red Bull, and heads off to the gym. Clock in. Treadmill on. Speeds up. 8mph. Run. 20 minutes. The boy cools down and lifts some weights for another 10. Clock out. He walks back to his apartment. He changes his shirt and sprays himself with Chocolate Axe. Slams door again. The boy walks over to the field to meet the others. They split up into teams. Green or Purple glowstick bracelets. Capture the Flag begins. They run around. Back and forth. One team wins. New game. Other team wins. Everyone is sweaty. Everyone had fun. The boy takes off with others back home. Parkour! Back at his apartment, he checks the mail again. Just newspaper ads. He switches his laundry and goes back to his apartment. Other stuff happens. Exhausted, the boy gets ready for bed. It has been a long day. He turns his laptop on, and checks his email. Delete. Delete. Delete. He opens a new tab and goes to his blog. Sitting down, he starts writing about his day in third person. Just because he can. He's still waiting for your letter. Goodnight. 

Red Shirt. Blue Hat.

8:00 am. The boy wakes up and looks at his clock. Cursing under his breath, he jumps out of bed and throws on a red school shirt. Late! Work started at 8 and he was still at home. Rushing to the kitchen, the boy chokes down some cereal and milk, then heads to the bathroom. No time for a shower. A quick dunk under the faucet will have to do. Hair still wet, he throws on his blue BillaBong hat and grabs his keys.Backtracking, he grabs his guitar, swinging it over his shoulder, and runs out the door. Car door slams. Buckle clicks. Engine starts. Off he goes. Red light. Red light. Red light. Reeeddd.... Green Light! Go! Sparatic blinker. RightRightRightRightRight. Turn. Turn again. Parks car. Jumps out. Enters work. Red shirt, blue hat. Goodmorning.

The Door is a Duck.

The boy walks home alone, quietly down the crooked alley towards his apartment. It has been a good day for him. Sociable. He has enjoyed the company of good friends. Entering his apartment, he heads toward his bedroom. Turning the knob, he presses his shoulder against the door and jerks it open. The door swings inward with an annoying "quack!" After attending to some last minute affairs, the boy pulls back his covers and climbs into his bed. Silently, he lays there on his back, eyes open staring at the black ceiling above him. His mind wanders and he feels a tinge of loneliness as he lays there in the dark. "I'm waiting for you" he thinks to himself. This last thought echoes in his head and he shuts his eyes tight. Then he rolls over, curls up, and falls deep into his dreams. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Some trees in the forest surrounding our cabin
Well here I am again. Sitting on my bed, reminiscing about another perfect weekend. This weekend was "Fall Break", so I was rewarded with an extended weekend to spend with family and friends. I started the weekend out on Wednesday night, and headed up to Cedar City, to pay my friends at Juniper Motel a visit...

Wednesday night was pretty great, but not so epic. My friends at SUU didn't have a fall break, so it was a regular school night for them. However, "regular school night" doesn't really account for much at SUU. After I checked in with my buds, I was introduced to some more great people (ie. Kenyon, Carly, and Shane). We just relaxed for a bit, had our traditional "Quick!-Everyone-Jump-on-Rakul's-bed-while-listening-to-The-Ready-Set's-Love-Like-Woe-song-before-she-comes-back" jump-a-thon, then headed out on a night walk to Taco Bell. Rakul and I walked ahead of the pack and talked about pointless things like shallow ditches and leaves. Once there, Rakul bought me a chicken quesadilla and I returned the favor by buying hot chocolate and ice-cream(genius combo) at Maverick. The rest of the evening went off without a hitch, and everyone just enjoyed eachother's company. Pearl and some others built a fort in Katy's room while we lounged around in the commons area. Later I found Francisco playing Pokemon (big shock), and then even played a round of it myself. I have to admit, I loved it. Then Rakul, Pearl, Scott, Francisco, and I sat around in Katy's room while Nick and Scott discussed his surprise for Katy Friday Night (He made her a true T-Bird). That's pretty much it for Juniper. We hit the lights and went to bed. When I woke up in the morning, no one else would get up, so I quietly slipped out (after falling on the floor) and set sail for Moab.

I spent the next few days reunited with my family. We rented a huge cabin (more like a house) up in Lasal, which is just past Moab City. The place was beautiful. Our cabin was quietly secluded in the mountains, surrounded by a forest of flaming oak trees. At night, the place looked even more astounding, as the stars punctured the sky with glimmering light. The big dipper was perfectly suspended above the mountain's peak, and the moon hung crooked to the side. To top it off, the surrounding fields were filled with deer that seemed to be enjoying the view as much as we were. Inside the cabin, we were busy having fun. It seemed as through every meal was a feast (at least to me, the poor college student). We enjoyed each other's company by watching movies, playing games, and just sitting around talking. We also had a lot of fun outside of the cabin. Our days consisted of 4-wheeling around the red rock canyons, hiking up to Delicate Arch, and spending time in town. Needless to say, I loved every minute of it. It was great to see my family, cousins, and grandparents. 

Well, like all good things, this weekend had to come to an end. The thing I hate most about vacations is the packing and unpacking. Which is what I am faced with now. I better unpack my things before it gets too late. As I drove back to St. Geezy, I was greeted by warm rain. I'm not complaining, because St. George is even better in the rain. It's good to be home. Hope you had a great weekend yourselves. Keep it classy. Splat!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

This couch is now mine


This weekend was a huge success! Homecoming went down this weekend and it was nothing but a good time. Early Saturday morning, Student Gov. rode in the Homecoming parade along with several other good looking floats. We wore capes, painted our faces, and some of us even sprayed our hair red and blue. I had a lot of fun showing off our Dixie Pride and throwing candy at children. Later on, we went to the football game, but I didn't stick around long. We went to the government room and helped fill over 400 balloons with  helium for our dance that night. It just so happens that my friend Katy Hunter was in town this weekend, so I asked her to be my homecoming date. Of course she said yes, and she showed up around 9. We tore it up on the dance floor along with my roommates and their dates. We kept it super classy, despite the tra$hy divas surrounding us. After the dance, as tradition, everyone walked out to the fountain to become true rebels. Me and Katy decided to take part in this tradition, so we kicked off our shoes and walked into the water. I was expecting it to be kinda awkward but it wasn't at all! It was funny since we have never kissed before but it wasn't awkward. So we became "True Rebels" and received legit cards to prove it. Oh by the way Katy, I'd just like to point out that you have very little room to diss on the "Rebel" mascot. Who's high school mascot was a "Laker"? What even is a "Laker"? At least people know what a Rebel is... just sayin. =P Anyways, after the festivities were over, we bought some Redbull and candy at Maverick and went back to The Cave to end the night. And exactly how did we end the night? We jumped on the couch and jammed to killer music! We partied until we crashed, then got in my car and I drove her back to Sketch City. The drive took forever so we sang out lungs out to pass the time. After I dropped her off, I faced the freaky task of driving back home alone. It wasn't freaky because I was alone. More because of how tired I suddenly was! There were a few times I wasn't sure if I'd make it or not, but thankfully I did with no incidents. Sunday went off without a hitch, as did Monday. Today I took my English2010 Midterm, and I'm glad to have it behind me. It was brutal. Today in guitar we got the music for Hotel California, so I'm excited to start practicing that. Tonight PR is having a pizza party to celebrate the commencement of a successful homecoming. That's pretty much it for now. Like a G6.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Confessions of a Pumpkin Thief.

I'd like to take a moment to introduce to you to my dear friend, George. Yes... he is orange. Yes... he is a pumpkin. Get over it! It's what's on the inside that counts... no one eats the outsides. But, why would you want to eat this pumpkin anyways? He's a very social pumpkin. Very bright. And he LOVES to party. Stop by and say hi sometime. 

George sighted at a social function.

Friday, October 08, 2010

New Kicks.

Just bought these today and I already love them. 
What do you think? And yes, I took this picture.
You call them shoes. I call them Hot Tamales. 

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Northern Downpour

I'm feeling pretty down tonight after some deep thinking about society and where things are going. It's frustrating to realize that things are on a downward slope and there's really nothing you can do about it. I hate feeling so powerless, and I hate loosing faith in humanity. But I do feel powerless, and I have lost most of my faith in humanity, especially the government. Recently this story from CNN caught my attention:

Did you read it? What the hell. Seriously. This just makes me sick. There is so much wrong in the world today, how can we trust our government when it goes around doing things like this? And are you foolish enough to believe that this is the only thing like this they've ever done? I hope not. I'm certain that there have been countless other experiments and tests that have gone undetected because no one ever caught them. Majority of people now believe that the AIDS virus was indeed man made due to it's complexity, and that government is to blame for first introducing this deadly virus into society. If this is the case, who would ever confess to it? The answer's easy, and it just reflects on how damning our world has become. No one would ever own up to creating and injecting a disease that has claimed millions. This is why I've lost hope. Where have all the good people gone? =(

Monday, October 04, 2010

Monday Morning Madness!

I woke up in the morning feelin' like a Zombie. I'm sure my roommate wanted to kill me as I knocked things over and kept opening and shutting our obnoxious door. Barely coherent, I grabbed myself a quick breakfast and squinted while my eyes adjusted to the light. Like usual, the TV had been left on all night and I found myself amused as I watched an infomercial by Joan Rivers for some miracle hair product. I'm assuming you know who Joan Rivers is? Well if you don't here's a little visual I found on google images:

What a keeper, right? This would be an example of one too many botox injections. Watch out Kim Kardashian, or could be you! Anyways, seeing this ridicules woman frightened me and also sparked an idea. Wouldn't her perfectly silicon injected face make the perfect Halloween mask? I think so. So folks, there you go, this is what I want to be for Halloween. Joan Rivers. Honestly, I can't think of anything more horrifying.

In other news, the whole reason I woke up so early was because I had to be ready by 5:30 for "Monday Morning Madness". This is the name student government has given to the morning of homecoming, where we go out and decorate campus with all things pertaining to Homecoming. Besides waking up early, it wasn't too bad. However, mother nature decided to bless us with rain this week, so most of our efforts have already been compromised. Oh well, I'm still super excited for homecoming! I still have to ask my girl...Gotta go study and stuff, so peace out. Like a G6.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Oh What a Night.

So last was probably the best night of October so far! I took a trip up north to visit my friends at Juniper Motel Hall. When I got there I said goodbye to Rakul, and then went around with Katy and Francisco. For a while we just kicked back in Katy's dorm (see previous entry), but then Francisco was starting to turn into a diva since he was hungry, so we rushed off to Wendy's to feed. On our way back to Le Haus de Juniper, we seized the day by picking up 2 RockStar Energy drinks for $3. Not soon after we got back, I had to use the restroom. I quickly ducked inside the girls restroom (being closest to Katy's dorm) and Francisco guarded the door. After that, things got out of hand. Just before I "Drained the Dragon", my Blackberry Victoria decided to take a plunge into the bowl! In horror, I snatched her from the porcelain pool and rushed into the hallway to show K & F the bad news. Without skipping a beat, be dissembled it and located a satchel of rice from a man referred to as "Shy Guy". After securing Victoria in the rice, we skipped out to play night games, which failed. We marveled at the stars for a bit, and then went back inside for a bit. Later we left again to meet Scott and company at Denny's and then Walmart. When we got back, the kids did some laundry in the sketched out laundry room, and we sat around and talked. We didn't actually go to sleep until after 5:30 this morning, but whatever. Long nights with friends always make memories. Camping tonight? Who knows.

Friday, October 01, 2010


Happy freakin' first of October!! Wake me up when september ends? Yeah, well it's over now so I've finally awoken! I feel so alive tonight. I'm sitting here at Le Haus De Juniper with Dove and Francisco chillin to the Goo Goo Dolls. I am currently obsessed with them. I don't understand why I didn't pick up on them sooner! Seriously worth the time. Audio pleasure for the ears. Well things are goin great and I can't say this enough-- I LOVE COLLEGE! =) Now we're going to go jump on Rakul's bed and stuff. Later!
