Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Smell of Snowflakes

It's coming. I can feel it. I don't like it.

I can barely contain my excitement!

I'm not quite sure what to expect from St. George, but winter is coming. Reports of snow plaster my Facebook wall. Some in celebration, and some in horror as the white flakes quilt a frosty blanket across their lawns. Oh Northen weather, I don't miss you at all. Getting ready to visit for Thanksgiving Break, and I'm not sure how well I'll handle the situation...

This is how it should be.
I don't know about you but I feel like there's more freedom in the Summer. You don't have to wear shoes and you can just kick back and relax outside by the pool. The sun is warm and comforting, and you can enjoy a picnic with friends or a solitary nap under a tree. Summer is calm and inviting, filling endless days with laughter.
Winter, on the other hand, is a cold bitter beast. You must protect yourself from her assault in layers of clothing. She also has quite the record. Numerous car accidents, injuries, and even deaths can be blamed on this white witch. She offers the comfort of Christmas as a mere consolation prize.
Poor Green Grass

I miss this type of snow (cotton trees)
I miss Summer.

Last Thanksgiving break was an adventure. I had a lot of fun spending time with some of my closest friends. I can only hope that this Thanksgiving will be even better! 

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