Saturday, December 04, 2010

A Beautiful Song To Be Sung

"‎Music is a morel law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, gaiety and life to everything; It is the essence of order and lends to all that is good, just, and beautiful." ~Plato
 I've been wanting to blog about this for a while, but I've just slipped into a writing slump again. However, I feel like the subject for this post is long since overdue. If you haven't already caught on from the above quote, this post is going to be all about music

I can't really remember a time in my life when music wasn't important to me. I have always felt a deep connection to it. I remember when I was younger, singing along to country songs in the truck with my dad. My favorite song to sing with him, hands down, was "The Shake" by Neil Mccoy. I knew all the words by heart and felt like a rapper as I'd mumble the chorus. I also recall familiar songs from Toby Kieth, Shania Twain, and some non-country songs from Super Tramp and The Beach Boys. Since then, my taste in music has become more diverse, but I still love those songs. 

I am amazed at the power music possesses. It's truly unique in it's qualities. It has the power to unite people together and helps us relate to one another. Music has the power to bring faded memories back to life. Years can pass since you've heard a song, but once you hear that familiar tune, it instantly zaps you back to another time and place. At least, that's how it works for me. My memories (good and bad) cling to music, forming a very real time machine. 

Another special quality of music is the power it has to influence our emotions. I'm sure you've noticed this. Music can get us excited. Pump us up before we race, or do something that requires a lot of energy. Music can lift us up when we're feeling glum, or it can shoot us down underwater. Music can foster feelings of hope and gratitude, happiness, anger, fear, sadness, or grief just to name a few. The cool thing is, we can harness this power and use it to our advantage. It's up to us, what music we listen to, so we can use it to help influence our mood. I love that.

So like I've already said, music is really important to me. Recently, it has become even more important. I've always dreamed of learning how to create music. I've always enjoyed it, but I've rarely been a creator. However, I feel like that is finally starting to change. I've at least started down the right path and I'm headed in that direction. Sure, it'll be a while before anything good comes of it, but I'm determined to succeed. 

As I look around me, I realize that I've had great people who have helped influence me in my dream to play guitar. Great friends like: Seth Anderson, Tasia Mist, Katy Hunter, Pearl White, and Brooks Miller along with past music teachers, and famous artists. I know that there are even more influences then this, and it's incredible. I aspire to one day be as influential as they have been to me by sharing their musical talents. I consider myself blessed for knowing each of them.

I can feel myself changing one step at a time. Music is shaping me into something entirely new. I am caught up in the painfully beautiful process of becoming a musician. It's a slow change, but I can feel it. As I've started learning guitar, I can feel myself connecting to music in a more intimate way. It has deeper meaning to me. I feel the rhythms, I catch the beats, stronger than I ever have before. And it's everywhere! Not only in the tune, but also in nature. If you listen closely, you can hear it too. 

As I work hard in changing my weakness into strength, I feel more alive. I find great peace and joy in the resonating strings of my guitar. Today, I stand somewhere I haven't been before. I'm headed in a new direction, and I'm loving the journey. 

"Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to their graves with their song still in them"  
~Henry David Thoreau

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