Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Waiting for your letter

1:00 pm. Classes are over for the day. The boy slips out of the auditorium and walks home to his apartment. Checks the mail. Nothing. He enters his apartment, shoves open his ducking door, and tosses his bookbag onto the his bed. Roommate and girl are cuddling on the bed in the corner. He goes to the kitchen and makes a smash sandwich. No mayonnaise today. Just bread, turkey, and cheese--smashed together. The boy leaves, slamming the door behind him just for fun. He gets in his car. Car door slams. Buckle clicks. Engine starts. Off he goes. Green light. Green light. Green light. Speed up. Merge onto freeway. Exit freeway. Green light. Green light. Turn. Turn again. Park car. The boy gets out and walks into the BioLife plasma center. He's not even dead, and he's already selling his body to science. He smiles at the thought. He sits down. Muscles tense. They poke his arm. Relax. Breath. He squeezes his fist at a steady tempo. Relax. Cycle blood. Repeat. The boy looks up, and sees a beautiful girl across from him. She is drawing with one hand. The other lays to the side feeding the machine. He keeps looking at her. To him it feels like a canyon separates them from speaking. Pity. An hour goes by. Beep! The the boy is done. They free him from the chair and he hesitates. He wants to talk to the girl. He doesn't. Walking away, he secretly hopes he will see her again. Visits to the Art building might become more frequent. He gets in his car. Car door slams. Buckle clicks. Engine starts. Off he goes. Green light. Green light. Green light. Speed up. Merge onto freeway. Exit freeway. Green light. Green light. Turn. Turn again. Park car. Checks the mail. Nothing. He goes back to his apartment, and shoves open his ducking door. Roommate and girl are still cuddling on the bed in the corner. The boy goes to his meetings. Uneventful. He goes and changes his clothes, chugs Red Bull, and heads off to the gym. Clock in. Treadmill on. Speeds up. 8mph. Run. 20 minutes. The boy cools down and lifts some weights for another 10. Clock out. He walks back to his apartment. He changes his shirt and sprays himself with Chocolate Axe. Slams door again. The boy walks over to the field to meet the others. They split up into teams. Green or Purple glowstick bracelets. Capture the Flag begins. They run around. Back and forth. One team wins. New game. Other team wins. Everyone is sweaty. Everyone had fun. The boy takes off with others back home. Parkour! Back at his apartment, he checks the mail again. Just newspaper ads. He switches his laundry and goes back to his apartment. Other stuff happens. Exhausted, the boy gets ready for bed. It has been a long day. He turns his laptop on, and checks his email. Delete. Delete. Delete. He opens a new tab and goes to his blog. Sitting down, he starts writing about his day in third person. Just because he can. He's still waiting for your letter. Goodnight. 

2 Response to Waiting for your letter

October 19, 2010 at 11:52 PM

omg i really like this!!

October 20, 2010 at 12:38 AM

Omg I really like this, too!

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