Monday, October 25, 2010

Hokus Pokus! Focus!

Ah! I have this huge problem with focusing today. I have a 10 page Research paper for English due soon and I haven't even started! I have to have 5 pages done for class on Friday and I'm starting to worry. I planned on writing at least something today, but nope. I haven't done much of anything today. FAIL. Maybe it's because I'm sick. I suspect all the drink sharing that went down on Saturday would have something to do with that... Oh well. Tomorrow I'll go buy me some of these:

They are soo good on for the throat. Anyways, I guess I did manage to blog twice today. Haha pathetic. I have to write a freakin' 10 page research essay on Cinderella and Shania Twain. How the heck am I supposed to do that?! =\ Hopefully I'm feeling better tomorrow and can focus my attention better. I saw someone's status on FB yesterday that said: "Call me Mr. Facebook, I can make your grades drop" obviously a play on Lil'Wayne's Bedrock song. It made me laugh, and it's very true. Prolonged exposure to Facebook makes me nauseous. 

For dinner tonight I made myself some Easy Mac, Sadie Style. For those of you not in on the joke, this means that I seasoned it with ketchup and pepper. I'm not going to explain the rest. After dinner, I watched a little TV with my roommates. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the movie, was on! 

It was pretty sweet, but I decided I should go back to my room to work on my essay. Joke! Too bad I didn't. I got on Facebook and looked at this picture my friend Kendra made of me on a site called Face In A Hole. It takes pictures of your friends and allows you to put them in various scenes. So I spent the next hour or so toying with this... adding photos of my friends to different photo holes. It was pretty entertaining, but I really need to stop. Well, I should get going. I'm going to try to practice guitar for a few minutes before I go to bed. Hopefully I can handle that. Thanks for reading my post. 

Oh Katy Gaga. I'm worried about you...

2 Response to Hokus Pokus! Focus!

October 26, 2010 at 1:54 AM

hAHHAAHHAHAH Garett!! This is so great. I died of laughter. Sadie Style. Ew.

October 26, 2010 at 10:41 AM

Good. =)

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