Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Red Shirt. Blue Hat.

8:00 am. The boy wakes up and looks at his clock. Cursing under his breath, he jumps out of bed and throws on a red school shirt. Late! Work started at 8 and he was still at home. Rushing to the kitchen, the boy chokes down some cereal and milk, then heads to the bathroom. No time for a shower. A quick dunk under the faucet will have to do. Hair still wet, he throws on his blue BillaBong hat and grabs his keys.Backtracking, he grabs his guitar, swinging it over his shoulder, and runs out the door. Car door slams. Buckle clicks. Engine starts. Off he goes. Red light. Red light. Red light. Reeeddd.... Green Light! Go! Sparatic blinker. RightRightRightRightRight. Turn. Turn again. Parks car. Jumps out. Enters work. Red shirt, blue hat. Goodmorning.

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