Monday, October 04, 2010

Monday Morning Madness!

I woke up in the morning feelin' like a Zombie. I'm sure my roommate wanted to kill me as I knocked things over and kept opening and shutting our obnoxious door. Barely coherent, I grabbed myself a quick breakfast and squinted while my eyes adjusted to the light. Like usual, the TV had been left on all night and I found myself amused as I watched an infomercial by Joan Rivers for some miracle hair product. I'm assuming you know who Joan Rivers is? Well if you don't here's a little visual I found on google images:

What a keeper, right? This would be an example of one too many botox injections. Watch out Kim Kardashian, or could be you! Anyways, seeing this ridicules woman frightened me and also sparked an idea. Wouldn't her perfectly silicon injected face make the perfect Halloween mask? I think so. So folks, there you go, this is what I want to be for Halloween. Joan Rivers. Honestly, I can't think of anything more horrifying.

In other news, the whole reason I woke up so early was because I had to be ready by 5:30 for "Monday Morning Madness". This is the name student government has given to the morning of homecoming, where we go out and decorate campus with all things pertaining to Homecoming. Besides waking up early, it wasn't too bad. However, mother nature decided to bless us with rain this week, so most of our efforts have already been compromised. Oh well, I'm still super excited for homecoming! I still have to ask my girl...Gotta go study and stuff, so peace out. Like a G6.

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